Planning permission has been granted for our scheme for a new build house in the grounds of an existing home located in the Shripney conservation area in West Sussex. Our client currently lives in the main house and wanted to build a single storey retirement dwelling in their relatively large garden. The garden has been a labour of love since they purchased the house in 2010 and now they are realising the dream of creating their new build home.
Artist impression of East facing facade
The design brief for the architects
The brief for JWA was to create a single storey detached, three bedroom dwelling to provide our client with comfortable living into their retirement. The design is sensitive to the style and design of the surrounding buildings and appropriate to the historic nature of the Conservation Area.
The simple design of the new building draws on the surrounding vernacular. The external form is a blend of flint and brickwork with a slate roof. The new building will be served by the existing garage with its own access from the highway.
The creation of the new property does not result in any harm to the privacy of neighbouring properties with the accommodation at ground floor only. The new windows will have views into the garden; views towards the neighbouring dwellings will be screened by the boundary planting. Given the single storey height and the pitching of the roof away from the boundary, there will be no harmful impacts upon daylight or sunlight for any neighbouring properties.
Plan of site showing original house on left and new home on right
The new house contributes towards the mix of housing in the locality to provide for the needs of the applicants but also to add choice in the type of accommodation within the settlement.
The new house by virtue of its siting respects the irregular arrangement of properties within the area and does not compete with the original property either physically or visually. The sensitivity of the design will be extended through to the final material selection and attention to detail.
James comments, “in creating a new home in a conservation area we needed to be sensitive to the locally listed houses and village aesthetic whilst simultaneously creating a unique and elegant new home optimised for contemporary living.”